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important dates

The UNC Wilmington community is honored to be hosting this years NCARH Conference!

Conference Date

February 10-12, 2012


December 1-31, 2011

Late registration

January 1-7, 2012

program registration

Starts: January 1, 2012

Ends: January 21, 2012

Notified: January 25, 2012

Registration Fees

Delegate: $95

Advisor: $132

contact us on facebook and twitter

NCARH 2012 Facebook

NCARH 2012 Twitter

conference email address

Student Center

Spirit and Sustainability

May the force be with you as you embark on a journey to explore leadership! Astronauts have been carefully selected for this important mission, and we want you to show your pride! Before the final countdown, each delegation will attend a press conference by presenting their roll call. Be as creative and spirited as you like, but don’t forget to give a friendly shout out to the other crews! Next, build a display that encompasses what your school’s “home planet” would look like. It’s one step for man, one giant leap for leadership! Instead of creating a banner, become inspired by Neil Armstrong, and make a flag to symbolize your discoveries. We all love our dear Mother Earth, so construct your display from recyclable materials and earn extra spirit points!


In preparation for blasting off, don't forget to make your...


  • No bigger than a king size pillow case
  • Must incorporate SPACE theme
  • Must clearly represent the school’s delegation
  • Must have school’s name and NCARH 2012
  • Must include attending schools
  • Must be appropriate and respectful of other delegations

Home Planet

  • No larger than 2’ by 2’ by 2’
  • Must incorporate SPACE theme
  • Must clearly represent the school’s delegation
  • Must be appropriate and respectful of other delegations
  • Up to 15 extra points available if recyclable materials are used to construct Home Planet!

Roll Call

  • No longer than 3 minutes
  • Must incorporate SPACE theme
  • Must clearly represent the school’s delegation
  • Must include all delegates
  • Must include "shout out" to other attending schools
  • Must be appropriate and respectful of other delegations
  • Must send music (if necessary) by Friday, February 3, 2012, to Spirit Chair (Kenzie Hopkins (
  • Props will be allowed
REMINDER: The banner and display drop-off will be in Burney. You can drop it off on the way to Opening Ceremonies. 

Shoot for the stars, and incorporate the theme into other aspects of spirit! Speak space lingo, wear an astronaut’s helmet, do a moon walk, go all out! There will be a twist on the judging for “Most Spirited,” this year, as we want YOU to vote. Yes, you! Outer space is expansive, and it’s very likely that the Mission Control will miss something. This encourages the astronauts and crews to not only think big and come up with some stellar ideas, but also to gain more friends from across the universe!

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K. Fidalgo [ fidalgok AT uncw DOT edu ]