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important dates

The UNC Wilmington community is honored to be hosting this years NCARH Conference!

Conference Date

February 10-12, 2012


December 1-31, 2011

Late registration

January 1-7, 2012

program registration

Starts: January 1, 2012

Ends: January 21, 2012

Notified: January 25, 2012

Registration Fees

Delegate: $95

Advisor: $132

contact us on facebook and twitter

NCARH 2012 Facebook

NCARH 2012 Twitter

conference email address

Seahawk Sculpture


We are all bound together by one common fact : we all live on this earth. The goal for the conference philanthropy is to create awareness and respect for the world around us. Leadership is out of this world, but in order to reach the great heights that leadership can take us, we must first have a grounded sense of what issues are prevalentin our surroundings. The 2012 NCARH philanthropy aims to build unity by working with the North Carolina Coastal Federation, an organization that deals with the preservation and productivity of the coastline. The North Carolina Coastal Federation mission statement is: "To provide citizens and groups with the assistance they need to take an active role in the stewardship of North Carolina’s coastal water quality and natral resources. "The organization is non-profit and consists of eighteen staff members and over 1,200 volunteers. Their purpose is to maintain the quality and the beauty of the North Carolina coast.

As NCARH is approaching, we hope that each school will continute collecting money to donate to the organization. We hope that leading up the conference that astronauts will build awareness of saving the coast and other environmental issues by having programs on their campuses pertaining to these issues.

During the onsite philanthropy, astronauts will be further educated about ways they can protect our coast. A staff member from the North Carolina Coastal Federation will speak to astronauts and commanders. Spirit points will be given to the school that collects the most money and astronauts will be eligible to earn more spirit points by making cards for the volunteers of the organization at the On-Site Philanthropy.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about philanthropy or if your university does not allow for your delegation to collect monetary donations please email

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K. Fidalgo [ fidalgok AT uncw DOT edu ]