Called To Order By President Megan
Teams not present:
--> Men's Swimming & Diving
--> Men's Basketball
--> Men's Tennis
--> Men's Soccer
--> Men's/Women's Golf
Recognition for Women's Soccer for
breaking almost every team record and they
are also seeded #2 in the CAA tournament
Vice-President Frank Higginbotham
addressed importance of attendance at the
SAAC meetings
Thanksgiving basket was voted upon
family will be figured out within the next
two weeks. We need volunteers for getting and delivering the
A list will now be sent to the coaches
about which student-reps are not
attending the SAAC meetings.
Pig-Pickin' for Spring Semester:
--> Concern about location at the Harold Greene Track Complex
instead of
the Intramural Fields
--> There is a need for more people to come and any ideas for
attendance is encouraged
Ideas suggested that the coaches make
some of the events mandatory with
each team doing a certain responsibility. A student-athlete
section will be
made for each game. There will be more advertisements and
flyers around
campus to get more people at the games.
Trophy Case:
--> Very bare
--> Group picture will be taken next meeting to put in the
--> Trophy case needs to be finished before Christmas Break
--> Anyone who has items to put in the case, please give to
Megan Young.
Pictures taken for the members that
were present for the headshots to be put
on the SAAC website.