
Frank Higginbotham |
- Organizes and oversees all meetings
- Prepares agenda for all meetings
- Serves as representative of student-athletes for all
campus and departmental functions
- Vote only if a tie needs to be broken at SAAC meetings
- Directly in charge of:
--> Community Service Implementation
Vice President
Shade Smith |
- Performs duties of the President in his/her absence and
assumes position of President if he/she is unable to properly
fulfill presidential obligations
- Takes minutes of minutes in the absence of the Secretary
Samantha Mifsud |
- Responsible for taking minutes of meetings
- Responsible for keeping attendance at all SAAC meetings
and functions
- Emails minutes to Colonial Athletic Conference and website
director for SAAC Website
- Directly in charge of:
--> Newsletter
Monty Caldwell |
- Create and submit a budget to the Athletic Department
- Reimburse SAAC members for expenses appropriate to SAAC
- Any other duties deemed necessary by the President
Lauren Isenhour |
- Keep order of meeting proceedings
- Responsible for monitoring the progress of discussion of
each topic listed on the agenda and moving discussion along in a
timely fashion
- Responsible for presenting motions for amendments and
addendums to the constitution to be voted on by SAAC members

Uri Robinson |
- Update minutes and overall design of the UNCW SAAC Website
Administration - Pat Howey |