Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm in TL 1055
Interested in Joining?
Apply Online
HerePsi Chi Member Expectations
- Psi Chi members are encouraged to participate in all events that Psi Chi hosts
- Psi Chi Members are required to earn 6 credits per semester (2 must come from Bake Sale volunteering) to receive honor cords!
Psi Chi members are expected to stay informed of all ongoing events in Psi Chi and help make those events successful in any way possible. Resources are available to make this a very easy task.
You can earn credits in the following ways:
Participating in any Psi Chi event (1 credit per hour participation)
Attending member meetings (.5 credit)
Working at the bake sale (1 credit per hour worked)
Bringing baked goods to the bake sale. (.5 credit)
Psi Chi Members are expected to pay all dues as quickly as possible, respond e-mails in a timely manner and turn in any and all forms on time.
Psi Chi members must uphold the UNCW honor code!
Always display themselves in an appropriate manner at all Psi Chi hosted events and/or when displaying themselves as a Psi Chi member.
If you have any questions you should email the Psi Chi President with your concerns.