Up-Coming Conferences
Spring 2012: TBA
The Graduate English Association would like to thank everyone who
participated in our Spring Conference last April. We will be planning our
2012 conference this fall; in the meantime, check back here frequently for
information on other conference opportunities in the humanities.
Conferences play a large role in graduate academic life, and typically involve giving public talks about current or recent research to an audience of peers from various institutions. In previous years, the GEA has been proud to host visiting scholars and professors from all over the East Coast. Once conference hosts decide on a theme, they release a Call For Papers, or CFP. Past conference topics have included:
- The role of critical theory in intertextual engagement
- The study of rhetoric within contemporary culture.
- The value of an interdisciplinary approach to literacy.
- The use of technology within composition and pedagogy.
- The overlap of political and professional concerns in academia.
- The development of identity within language and culture.
Applicants interested in presenting submit abstracts describing their
topic to a review panel. Abstracts are typically around 300 words. Once
accepted, presenters must prepare to speak on their topic for around 10-15
minutes, with 5 minutes devoted to questions from the audience. Individuals
are usually grouped into panels on related topics, comprising three speakers
each. Applicants interested in applying as a group may feel free to suggest
panel ideas in their abstracts.
For more information on previous, current, or upcoming conferences, please
feel free to email us at:
Previous Conferences:
Spring 2011: "A World of Texts: Cultural Studies & Intertextual
Call For Papers (PDF).
Spring 2010:
Other Conference Opportunities:
Several sites track various types of up-coming conferences and calls for papers.
- University of Pennsylvania Call for Papers Website: UPenn remains one of the best sources for CFPs, and it offers categories specifically for graduate students.
- South Atlantic Modern Language Association
- AllConferences.com
- Academic Keys
- EServer CFP
The links provided are intended to acquaint users with
information and services, and do not constitute an endorsement by the
University or any student organization. The views and opinions on these
sites to not necessarily reflect those of the University. The Graduate
English Association has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the
information on this site is current; however, all information is subject to