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Job Search

It helps to begin a job search by considering your skill-set(s) and weighing the factors that are most important to you (see below).  Start locally and then expand outward; we strongly recommend checking out the UNCW career center as well as soliciting advice from departmental faculty and staff.

What should I consider in my search?

Where can I find a job?

For higher education, try academic-specific search engines and job boards:

Career Services at UNCW: Start here.

Craigslist: obviously.

MLA Guide to PhD Careers

The Chronicle of Higher Education: Primarily higher education.

Academic Keys: Primarily higher education.

H-Net for Humanities and the Social Sciences

American Studies Association

Women in Higher Education

Modern Language Association’s Job Information List: The JIL requires a fee.

Resources in Print

Stay abreast of current topics and trends in the job market while conducting your search:

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Name of Person [ name AT uncw DOT edu ]