About Me:

Short Bio:

I am a full time IT Guy for Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage and have been working in IT for over a year.
I specialize in Windows/Linux/MacOS/iOS/Android and can handle almost anything Hardware or Software
related. I have a plethera of tools needed to complete any task needed to be done. Before working with Coldwell
Banker in IT, I ran my own operation fixing phones and windows laptops for about 6 years and during my time
have picked up on many skills needed to be tedius, careful, and respectful of working on all machines. In my
spare time I enjoy relaxing at the beach with my dog and beautiful girlfriend, and at night I am an avid PC gamer.

In order to pull off these different video clips, audio files, javascripts, and other integrations, I did a lot of research from various sites to create the webpage you see here. I used codepen.com as a basis for my matrix animation you see on my front page with some minor tweaks here and there. Instead of using a picture for the apple logo, I found a good css file that needed some tweaks and modifications. One great tool that really helped me get the feel for getting used to website design was creating my website server. I used my linux server to host a virtual windows machine that runs wampserver so I could test my websites without using horizon. Using this alongside Adobe Dreamweaver really helped me grasp the idea and tricks to perform what i've learned throughout this class. Alongside many youtube tutorials I have learned a lot of tips to incorporate into my website. The a href was tricky to grasp at first but it is essential to webdesign and after using it so many times I am able to use it skillfully and accurately.

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